Profiled Motorcycle Number Plates

Profiled Motorcycle Number Plates

Profiled Number Plates For Motorcycles

Profiled Number Plates For Motorcycles from JDM Plates consisting of the smallest legal sizes; trimmed subject to the row with the smallest number of characters!

From the drop down list available, please FIRST select the size and and style of the motorcycle number plate you wish to purchase Please read the description below for further information regarding sizes explaining what your new smallest legal motorcycle number plate can be. All of our profiled motorcycle number plates are made from high quality BNMA supplied materials!

These bespoke motorcycle number plates are made to a considerable high standard and fully comply with the current legislation with regards to the smallest legal sizes for motorcycles within the UK.

If we don’t offer a size you desire; then please get in contact with us using the ‘Contact Us’ page!


£39.98£85.97 inc. VAT

Enter Registration Number (Including Space)

Would you like some matt black vinyl which can be stuck to the back of the plate? (You will have to stick and trim this yourself). Vinyl is approx. 300mm x 180mm